Mónica featured on Hello ICON, issue 12 dedicated to Art & Spirituality
Mónica is featured on Hello ICON, issue 12 dedicated to Art & Spirituality.
Blessed. This is the one word that best describes how we felt having Monica Esgueva onboard this special edition. It’s always a blessing to discover rare gems who do not only have great talent but think outside the box and choose to not just stand out but stand right beyond the many pressures life may throw. Monica as a visionary writer and painter continues to carve a niche on the road less taken. She breathes compassion and uncommon wisdom as she continues to create Art with the primary purpose of shining a light in our world. Indeed, she remains a much needed treasure to a half awake world.
Join us on this special annual issue- The Revival!
As Monica Esgueva shares a truckload of inspiration about combining Art with purpose, compassion, empathy, kindness, impact and how her Art goes beyond the conventional.